A Xmas many years ago at UniSys West

As, once again I go through my massive catalogue of pictures that I have in Lightroom, I came across the following images from my days working at UniSys West.

The following seven (7) pictures are from Xmas 2006 (click to cycle through the pictures)

I doubt that you would see this repeated in these days of the 'modern' minimalist workstation.

Where I currently work there is a 'clean desk' policy. If I happen to leave my diary on the desk when leaving work it will likely be taken away by the night cleaning team with a little note left in its place telling me I can pick it up from Facilities Management. And if I don't pick it up within the prescribed time; then it will be disposed of.

So much for a 'user friendly' working environment.

Goodness knows what would happen if some team decided to decorate for Xmas as we used to at UniSys West.


'All Ordinaries' index struggling to stay above 6,000


To go full frame or not to go full frame? What a problem!