Goodshit today

A site I go to almost daily is Fred's Goodshit site.

You can find the link to the Goodshit site in the sidebar.

Fred finds all kinds of interesting stuff from all around the Web and puts the links to them on Goodshit; and just in case you get too depressed by the reality of the world we live in Fred posts the occasion block of "Rule 5" pleasant reflection and meditation pictures interspersed amongst the real-world stuff (example shown at right, go to Goodshit to find and see bigger).

Following are five items from today posted on the first page of Goodshit that I found interesting and clicked on to find out more.

This first selection from Goodshit is about the Siberian Unicorn. I never even knew such an animal once existed. I guess we can now see, maybe, where the idea of a Unicorn might have come from.

The article is at the Ancient Origins site. This little fellow was the size of a mammoth.

This next item is from the Country Living site. While the overall article is sort of interesting the ways to keep your brain healthy and active will not come as a surprise to most people. Basically it is: eat the right food, keep exercising your brain by reading and learning, and be fit and healthy in your body.

As you would gather from the title, this is about a dude who paints the sides of large storage silos and old multi-story buildings.

I often wonder how such people can afford to do this. When you think about it he is going to need massive insurance covering himself and potential damage to the building (in case is equipment hits it or falls on it). Plus there is the cost and/or hire of the equipment.

Being one of those males within the set of 85 percent of all heterosexual males for whom a woman's breasts are her primary sexual attractor I naturally had to jump over to this link for a quick look-see.

Even in these modern times it kind of baffles me why women undertake surgery to enhance their primary sexual attactors (often more commonly referred to as breasts, boobs, puppies, or PSAs). But it seems that long before the surgical enhancement of her PSAs became available women were using other desperate means to make their boobies look more appealing to men before going on a date.

This article is brought to us by the site "Cabinet of Chic Curiosities" and is actually about advertising for the various kits women could use to, in theory, improve the appearance and sexual appeal of their breasts. The advertising is in French, but there are some explanatory notes provided here and there that are in English.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is topical at my place these days. I might reveal why is some future post(s). But up until now there has been no clinical test that can be used to identify or confirm that a person has CFS; or something that might be closely related to CFS when it comes to symptoms.

Hence, this article was a 'must read' for me.

And in closing out this post, at right—featuring many fine examples of near perfect PSAs—is another example of Fred's "Rule 5" pleasant relief ... and this time, unlike the one at the top of the post, this picture will get bigger if you click on it.

Don't forget, if you want to jump over to Goodshit you can find the link in my sidebar.


Sad and Useless today


My semi-regular check of the stock market recovery