Post Viewings For the Last 3 Days (Emma Stone)

Just about every day, with very few exceptions, the first thing I check when I get near a computer is the number of unique visitors I have had to my site. Not that it generally changes much. Since about mid-February the number of uniques has hovered around the 50 per day mark.

esheelsDoneHowever what has gone up in the last few days is the number of specific postings that have been opened. Just to make this a little clearer—when a unique visitor comes to the site they might just look at one or two postings starting from the latest posting. And the way that SquareSpace, who host my site, count “views” is not very helpful. If someone comes to the site and then just starts at the latest posting and then work their way down without ever actually clicking on any specific posting, then that just gets recorded as a single view; even though they may have scrolled through 5 or 6 or 10 or more postings.

But over the last three days I have had 393 specific views registered. This means that many of the uniques that visited my site either came through to my site via a direct link to a posting and/or when they came to the site they opened specific postings for viewing; rather than just coming to the “www.” home page and then reading from the most recent posting down.

It is hard to explain this … but I hope I have managed it.

Well this many specific views over a three day period caught my interest and I decided to see what it was that was being viewed. I have to do this quickly because the SquareSpace statistics only cover the last five days. After five days I can’t get useful daily viewing statistics.

Here is what I worked out.


Items 1 (here) and 2 (here) both feature Emma Stone and together they count for 59.2 percent of the views over the last three days. Based on this I am fairly certain that some other site somewhere must be linking back to my site (to my Emma Stone postings). Which is kind of exciting—being back linked from some other site.

That’s Emma pictured above (for those that have no idea what or who Emma Stone is).

GlazedThe posting that came third with 10 percent of the views over the last three days was the posting about males being sexually aroused primarily (maybe only) by visuals—even if they are just imaging these visuals in their heads most of the time.

An interesting observation about this posting is that it was posted back in November 2010, so it is sort of ‘old’. Based on this, I am thinking that this posting might be back linked in from some other site as well—maybe.


The image at above, taken from this posting, links to the posting.

GirlParadoxSmallThe next two, ranked 4th and 5th, are also sort of interesting because they go way back to March and May in 2010. Fourth being the posting on “De-motivational Posters” (here).

Fifth with 26 direct views in the last three days was “The Girl Paradox” posting. The image at right links to the posting.

In reviewing this posting I noticed that I did not put in the source of the material. Generally, unless there is some reason not to (such as the source site is a bit XXX), I do put in references to the source sites. So I did a Google search with the literal “The Girl Paradox” to see if I could find where I got this from.

Google returned 25,400 matches for this search; and I would remind you that I did a literal search which mean Google is only going to return matches where the actual phase “The Girl Paradox” is found.

Following is a snippet from the first page of the search results.


The good news is that Abalook makes it into the critical first three search pages by getting onto the bottom of the second page. Also I am pretty sure that I got the idea for my posting from the first site returned in the Google search (Graphjam). I have made a note to have a look around this site some more to see if there is anything else here that is interesting.

The remaining five on the list all got less than 5 percent of the views from the last three days.


P.S. I cheekily added Emma Stone in brackets to the heading of this posting after initially posting it—thinking this might draw a few more uniques to my site Smile


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