Cataloguing my Pictures: Working at Worsley

Back in 2011 I was working down at Worsley. I mention this just for any new visitors to my site. Regular readers would be well aware of this.

As I work through cataloguing all my digital pictures I have come across the following from the Worsley days.

This first one is my work area on site. At this stage I was Project Manager of the 1Desktop project for Worsley. I won't go into detail on the 1Desktop project, but one of the very first phases of the overall project was to discovery all the applications in use on business computers.

I have removed the chairs for this picture. My spot is on the right, and my partner in this overwhelming activity at the time was Mohit—who sat in the left spot.

These 'offices' are in a temporary add-on annex building. We moved out of this building about six months after this picture was taken and the building was trucked away.

That long yellow and blue chart you can see pinned to the top of the partition is the "Application Discovery Waterfall". Going from left to right it shows all the applications discovered by our discovery tools. It shows the most used applications on the left with the least used on the right. It's longer than you can see in the above picture because it goes behind the chart covering it on the left hand side—you can just see it peeking out from behind the covering pages.

This next picture shows some serious storm clouds forming off to the east of the Worsley Refinery.


Cataloguing my Pictures: Yornaning Dam 'park'


An 'interesting gate' at Fairbrige