Titbit: 30 Percent of 30yo Women Never Climaxed

Driving to work last Wednesday morning I heard on Triple J radio that 30 percent of heterosexual women aged 30 (who have been sexually active) have never experienced an orgasm.

I found this a bit difficult to believe. That evening in the motel unit I did a bit of research. I probably rate myself a +1, if not a +2, when it comes to searching for things on the Web. I know about literal searching, excludes (-), includes (+), wildcarding (*), and all the main techniques.

Even so I was unable to find any recent publications that specifically included the number “30 percent” in relation to females not experiencing sexual climax, but I did find the following which sort of do back up what I heard on Triple J:

  • This 1992 study (here) that says 44 percent of women aged 30 or less are unable to achieve orgasm.

  • This 2009 study (here) that tells us a women is 30 percent more likely to achieve orgasm during sex if she has warm feet [just felt I should share that :-)].

  • The above study also found that women with a higher education have more difficulty achieving an orgasm.

  • This 2010 study in Science Daily (here) which tells us 50 percent of females aged 18 to 30 have difficulty reaching sexual climax.

  • Another interesting point from the above study is that females are most sexually active between the ages of 31 and 45. Who would have thought?

  • This item at AllVoices (here) points out that 10 to 15 percent of women never experience an orgasm in their life [how friggin sad is that?] and another 10 to 15 are unable to arrive at a climax from intercourse alone and can only reach an orgasm via masturbation.

  • This Kinsey report (here) finds that women only achieve a climax 29 percent of the time when having sex. So that is basically 3 times out of 10. How unfair is that?

  • There were lots of interesting facts buried in the University of Indiana’s National Sex Survey. To get this you go here and then have to answer a few questions before you can download the 140 page survey.

    In this survey we find out that 75 percent of females in all age groups (teens and adults) surveyed that do achieve orgasm during sexual relations resort to masturbation in order to do so.

  • Finally (as I am sure you are getting bored by now), in the UK Mail (here) some better news for women, maybe … “While 54 percent of women aged 18 to 30 have difficulties achieving an orgasm, only 43 per cent of those aged 31 to 45 experience the same problem”.

    After reaching 30 not only do women have sex more often, it is also more pleasurable.


A somewhat longer ‘titbit’ …



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